Here is my very first sewn garment, which I made a couple of weeks ago:

After that, I was on a roll. Here is my second skirt:
This one is a bit shorter, and a bit better made. I'm really pleased with it.
This is sort of a work in progress. It is half a dress. I plan on doing a back stitch all around the top of it and then knitting the bodice. This might take a while, because I'm not knitting on anything except the Slink right now.
Also, I'm working on a graduation gift for my friend, Leanna, who is about to graduate from Marshall with her BS in Biology...a t-shirt quilt!
And finally, I've been looking at this style of dress for a long time now, and I finally broke down and bought a pattern for one (a pattern!). I have worked from a pattern before, but I'm not great at it. We'll see how this goes.
The dress on the far right is the one I'm making. The black fabric is for the main part, and the white is for the trim. The best part? The black fabric has white outlines of kitties and the white fabric says "meow" all over it. I think it is going to be SO cute! I bought a bit extra of the white fabric because I think I'm going to add white trim to the bottom. So, as soon as I'm done with my spring cleaning (I'm donating OVER HALF of my clothes to goodwill today!), my reward is that I get to work on my dress. Yeah, so I'm going to get back to work.
I love the quilt. Somehow the T-shirt quilts that I've seen just all look so awesome - they tell so much more of the person than the old skool way of using just normal shirt cotton for them. And the one you made with all those Marshall shirts... mmm I think I might search for similar raw material at ebay and make one for someone special :)
Thank you Anna! I've also made t-shirt quilts for friends who have had a death in the family. My mother and I have started including notes inside of sympathy cards stating that we could make a quilt of a loved one's clothing. My cousin died last October and I made one for his 10 year old daughter. It really helped me with the grieving process, that I was doing something for his family.
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